Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What the world needs now not love, sweet love. It is not war, power, religion or politics, or some ‘higher’ form of institutionalised belief or guidance. It is rather, a return to basics- by which I infer, those fundamentals which we have long forgotten.

Natural energy

A creature of comfort, and a resident of the western world, I realise that the forces of the natural world are pushed further out of mind than they ought to be. At the risk of sounding Romantic (which is no reference to Valentine, but rather the philosophical school of thought which dominated the latter part of the eighteenth century), I have to agree that the beauty of the dawn, trite and clichéd as it may be, shows us that the earth will continue to revolve and the sun will rise regardless of the day-to-day problems we encounter. As the first rays of morning light strike the dewdrops the natural world is awakened- not by the irritation of an alarm clock, not by the jar of a caffeine buzz, but by the inherent rhythmic cycles of the earth, and the command of a universe greater than humanity. Are we the lost creatures, the only beings who don’t succumb to the morning call of mother earth?

Molecular resonance

Somewhat of a recluse and what you might even go so far as to call a social outcast, I have often pondered references to ‘connections’ with other people. The notion of our connectedness to one another, as brothers and sisters of the earth, and the apparently inter-dependent nature (or unnature) of humanity (or inhumanity) has always baffled me and, being the independent person I like to consider myself, been something I have always wanted to deny. What cannot be denied, when people congregate (yes, the religious connotation is intentional) and celebrate good musical rhythm, is the molecular resonance that we vibrate on and respond to. Our primal desire to dance and express ourselves as human animals in response to evocative sounds and rhythms may be repressed, may be denied and very far out of reach, but certainly has not been lost. And, only when the ego has been relegated and relinquished, the intrinsic forces that define us living creatures can emerge.

It is infrequent that Victoria makes concessions. It is not infrequent that Victoria preaches what she does not practice and, she is fully aware that the gist of this piece purports the loss of ego and promotes some semblance of selflessness, despite the fact that it has been written entirely in the first person. Enigma? Contradiction? Perhaps. But perhaps also a step ahead of religious dogma or political indoctrination.

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